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Environmental Impact


We are constantly driving our environmental initiatives forward to protect the health of our planet.  We work closely with our clients, suppliers and customers to look for ways to reduce waste.

LRS Green Force


In 2019, we launched a new environmental initiative – Green Force – to drive sustainability on a more visible level throughout the LRS business, with a focus on what individual team members can do within their client sites and beyond. Green Force empowers team members in taking practical action to improve clients’ environmental footprints. Initiatives include:

  • Encouraging customers to turn off PC/electrical equipment overnight challenge, in support of Earth Day 2019
  • Promoting zero food waste policies
  • Sharing ideas for reducing plastic usage
  • Development of Think Before You Print campaigns
  • Team volunteering at a beach clean up
  • Upcycling our fresh flowers and plants in partnership with The Flower Bank


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ISO 14001 Accreditation

We are accredited with the Environmental Management System ISO9001, which ensures we monitor our impact on the environment and apply initiatives to reduce any adverse effects.

We work alongside industry bodies such as WRAP who assist us to ensure our systems are safe, robust and workable.

Green Force Champions

We have a team of 150+ Green Force Champions who are responsible for driving forward Lexington’s bespoke Environmental Management Systems (EMS).

They have inspired and engaged our team, clients and customers about environmental management and making positive change to reduce their impact on the environment. As a result we have reduced food waste, electricity and water consumption and witnessed a huge increase in recycling at our client sites.

Trees for Cities

Our team recently volunteered to plant some trees with Trees for Cities, to mark International Day of Forests.

At Horsenden Farm the team planted 350 whips to help extend the hedgerows and create a valuable new habitat for wildlife in London. They also laid new woodchip on the Gruffalo trail to encourage more people to use the walkway. This is just one of many initiatives carried out within the business to mark international environmental days.

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