On the 19th March 2019, 12 of the Lexington Reception Services team volunteered to plant some trees with Trees for Cities, to mark International Day of the Forests. Here Johan Joubert, Tranformation Manager at LRS, talks about their experience.
Our day began at 10am at Horsenden Farm where we were given a tour and the Trees for Cities team told us exactly what we’d need to do. Armed with our shovels, wellington boots and water we got to work planting 350 whips to help extend the new hedge and create a new habitat for wildlife
We had to clear the area, digging up turf and turning soil to prepare the area for tree planting. Once the area was ready we planted trees, shrubs and perennials. We also lay new wood chip on the Gruffalo trail to encourage more people to use the fantastic walkway.
It was amazing to see the difference we made in just a day, creating new habitat for wildlife and improving the green space for the community that use it. I would recommend this to other organisations – it’s not only great to do your bit for the environment and local community but also a fantastic opportunity to get together as a team.
The day with Trees for Cities formed part of the LRS Green Force campaign, a new environmental initiative – to find out more about this please click here.